
Antilogical measurement

1995/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In order to measure an object, its observation and manipulation are basic steps. Logically, someone would say that it is and although we do not have to take away the reason, in physics the same logic is not always used.

To be able to calculate the energy in which an atom is found at a given time, so far different pathways have been worked. The most recent path was the dream of a group of Austrian and US physicists. until they started working last month. The energy of this atom will be measured by the emission of a photon of light, without the contact between the atom and the photon.

In order to carry out this curious measurement, they will use a special mirror structure. The photon of light will be thrown to the place where the atom is located and will reach its destination by bounces. Although it is not possible to predict photon portheos, physicists have been very optimistic.

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