
Linux fans have the possibility to use Office

2002/04/02 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

So far, if users of the Linux operating system wanted to use the application package for the Office office of the Microsoft company, they had to install the emulator they ‘made believe’ that the computer could run Windows, copy of the Windows operating system and the application.

Emulators, however, do not give good results: many times it is not possible to install applications in Windows, and even installed, programs are too slow, there is a high risk of abandonment and printing gets a low quality.

In order to provide a solution, Codeweavers has presented a new program that allows to use the Office application without having Windows. According to the authors, thanks to the CrossOver Office 1.0 program, the Office application package works as well as on computers with almost Windows. For example, all Office programs are easily installed and there is no problem with basic functions. Word, Power Point and Excel files are normally opened, created and saved.

However, if graphics are used or multiple windows are opened, programs are slowed down and if long emails are sent you run the risk of stopping the Outlook program. In addition, although it prints without errors, several types of letters are not read correctly on the monitor.

Codeweavers itself recognizes the need to improve and comb the program. However, it is a good opportunity for anyone who wants to enjoy the benefits of the Windows operating system while remaining true to Linux.

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