LHC at work
2008/09/10 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

The CERN laboratory opened the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) accelerator this morning. It is the largest and most powerful accelerator for accelerating protons and other particles, located in a 27-kilometer-long tunnel buried under the city of Geneva. In this tunnel there was another powerful accelerator, but seven and a half years ago the physicists decided to dismantle and dismantle to build a new one. The new accelerator, which opens today, is good news for physical research.The time since the previous accelerator stopped until the new one was launched, has been a pause for research. The decision was complicated seven years ago, but it is believed that the capacity of the LHC will compensate for lost time. It will accelerate the protons with great energy, with energy of 7 TeV, to cause the clash between them. In these shocks are sought, among other things, remains of the Higgs boson. At the moment no one has found the Higgs boson. If they find it, that is, if the particle exists, physicists will confirm the most accepted theory that explains the origin of the mass. The main objective of the new LHC is to generate very high energy collisions. CERN

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