Leukemia in children around a nuclear power plant
1990/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Numerous childhood leukemias have been detected in the British city of Seascale. The proximity of this city to a radioactive waste treatment plant has extended the alarm.

Between 1950 and 1985, sixty-four cases of children were diagnosed. Taking into account that in these years the number of births has been one thousand people, the percentage of patients is very high. Health of the Government
The researcher Gardner of the University of Southampton was responsible for analyzing this problem.
Investigating their parents found nothing strange in their mothers. However, he observed that the parents who worked in the above mentioned workshop had suffered different levels of radiation. In cases where the radiation level, of 10 mSv or 10 mSv in the six months prior to the child's formation, was higher than 10 mSv, it has been observed that the risk of leukemia was between seven and eight times higher.
Research advances and in the coming months we will have many news about this problem.

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