
Preventing Leishmandisis Disease

1995/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Despite not being known in these places, the disease called leishmanio contaminates 400,000 people every year. There are already 12 million patients affected by this serious disease that calms the tissues. A group of biologists working in Bolivia have just announced that they have achieved a cure that hinders the path of this terrible disease and in the coming months they will be able to perform their first experiments.

A group of biologists working in Bolibia have just announced that they have achieved a cure that hinders the path of this terrible disease of leishmandisis, and in the coming months they will be able to perform their first experiments.

Leishmandisis disease develops mainly in third world countries. The disease is spread by a flagellated protozoo of the genus Leishmania and is transmitted through insect bites. The typical appearance of this disease initially causes skin puslas and then gradually purulent wounds. There is also a more violent appearance of this known disease in Asia. The latter attacks the liver and can lead to death.

Fighting the disease is difficult and costly in these countries. We have learned that a group of biologists who have now moved to Bolivia has found a new way of research against the disease. In a bush in the jungle of Bolibia have been detected molecules that slow the development of the disease. These molecules have been isolated “in vitro” and have advanced that they can be vaccinated before the end of summer for humans affected by the disease.

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