
Solar protective pills

2003/07/13 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

In recent years, thanks to the campaigns carried out by the health officials, solar worshipers know that their god does as much harm as favor. The sun is especially harmful to the skin, so at this time every year there are many tips and recommendations to properly protect the skin. Sunscreen creams are the most known and used shields against harmful solar radiation, but there are other weapons. The latter form a la-wave stack.

Hat, cream, shade... everything needs help to escape the sun.

Until recently, sunscreen pills were unknown. Now, however, many dermatologists recommend them. The market is increasingly numerous and this year special and comprehensive protection pills have also been included for children protecting the skin and eyes. Without a doubt, when you open the opportunity, marketers have come back to right, but… are they for something? What is the opinion of scientists? Several groups of scientists from Europe and the USA are studying these pills and it seems that sunscreen pills are beneficial, but only in part.

Vitamins, skin friends

The main component of these pills are vitamins, which help prevent the sun's effects on the skin. For example, bacteria, algae and plants use a family of pigments to protect themselves from damage caused by chlorophyll and other substances that absorb solar energy. These pigments are carotenoids.

What a protective pill!

In 1968, a researcher came up with donating one of these pigments, beta-carotene or vitamin A, to patients who could not withstand light. And the success was total:
80% of patients increased solar tolerance three times, that is, they could withstand the sun and luminosity three times more than before. Therefore, the protective effect of beta-carotene was evident.

Later they discovered a device protecting skin with this pigment. When the skin receives too many ultraviolet rays from the sun, the most obvious reactions are redness and inflammation, which is known as sunstroke. But there are also less visible effects: ultraviolets produce oxygen
molecules, oxygen atoms and free radicals that severely damage cells. Well, beta-carotene binds
to oxygen atoms and free radicals, thus avoiding damage.

Carotenoids have a similar effect on the eyes: in the center of the retina, in the macula, there are two carotenoids that filter light. According to the laboratories, carotenoid pills protect the skin and eyes and the protection obtained is better than with creams, since unlike the cream is distributed throughout the body. In addition, carotenoids have found substances that protect more than beta-carotenes, such as lycopene.

Even though every year there are recommendations to protect yourself from the sun, there is surely more than one burn!

Pills include other vitamins that act against free radicals: Vitamins C and E. Its work in cells is complementary; vitamin C works in water-rich tissues and vitamin E in fats. In addition, both help prevent inflammation caused by sunstroke.

However, some researchers have warned that the action of the pills is not very high, but provide a cream equivalent protection of about 3 protective factors. To achieve this, it is necessary to perform a treatment of four weeks or months before sunbathing and continue taking pills while sunbathing. On the other hand, they report the danger of an excess of carotenoids.

The best pill in the garden?

It is clear, therefore, that taking these pills is not enough to protect yourself from the sun. Therefore, you have to take into account the measures of always: apply without fear the sun cream, wear sunglasses, sunglasses and hat fins, enjoy the shade, dress white clothes...

Special care should be taken with the skin and eyes of children.

In addition to all this, if you want to have the help of vitamins that protect the skin, it may not be a bad idea to visit the garden. In fact, the vitamins that carry these pills are very abundant in vegetables and fruits. For example, green leafy vegetables, carrots and peas are high in beta-carotene, while tomatoes, melons and grapefruits are rich in lycopene. Other vegetables contain pigments that protect the eyes: spinach, broccoli... If taken with a little oil, better: the oil helps absorb carotenoids.

On the other hand, kiwi, strawberries, cherries, citrus fruits, peppers and many other vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamin C, and vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, nuts and wheat germ, among others.

A recent Australian study reveals that people who eat plenty of fruit and vegetables are better confronted with the effects of ultraviolet rays. And another study has shown that with 40 grams of tomato sauce a day in 10 weeks with olive oil, the effects of sunstroke are 40% lighter. Not bad: eat well and, incidentally, protect yourself from the sun!

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