
Plant barriers to support agriculture

2006/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Plant barriers to support agriculture
01/04/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Public University of Navarra)

The aim of a study by the Public University of Navarra is to measure the impact of plant barriers or hedges on agriculture. The hedge is a barrier formed by trees and shrubs or linear vegetation.

Several studies show that it is good to plant these barriers in the rural environment and on the margins of the roads, as they improve production, protect from the wind and favor the growth of auxiliary flora and fauna. As a result, they contribute to biodiversity conservation and pest control. In addition, they maintain moisture, absorb soil pollution, protect it from sunlight and increase the value of the landscape.

These results, however, come from research from other countries such as France or the UK, so the objective of this work of the UPNA is to check if the same results are obtained here.

News in brief
Agriculture; Environment