The future of the cosmos
1993/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
According to the General Theory of Relativity, the future of the Universe is expressed in some equations. Since some coefficients of these equations are not yet defined, it is not clear how the future of cosmo will be. Depending on the value of these parameters, the Universe will expand continuously in space (it is said to be an open model), or will contract again after an expansion period (closed model).
The ROSAT satellite (Roentgen Satellite) offers favorable data to the closed model. It is true that from one model to another one can pass through the value of coefficients, but this value depends on the hidden mass in the universe. This mass does not emit detective radiation of any type of apparatus and is not identifiable by meters.

This hidden mass is between 10 and 50 times higher than the initially planned and detectable in stars and galaxies. It must be said that in the Theory of Relativity the evolution of mass and space are related. If the total mass of the universe is higher than a critical value, the gravitational force will first equal the force of expansion and then overcome. The diffusion, therefore, slows down at the beginning and stops before contracting by gravity. The universe shrinks and then assembles more and more. Otherwise, the force of expansion will be greater than the gravitational force and will be constantly extended.
As the parameters of expansion are known, the mass of the universe is what we must know. The ROSAT satellite has not detected hidden mass because it is undetectable by itself, but through photographs made with X-rays to three galaxies in the NGC 2300 group, this hidden mass has been indirectly measured. The photographs have revealed in the midst of these three galaxies a huge hot cloud of gas. According to experts, this type of clouds should have been diluted in space long ago without leaving any trace. If it has been maintained, it has been because the gravitation of a huge mass has been maintained.
The mass needed to keep the cloud found is 12-25 times the mass of the three galaxies mentioned. If the situation in this area of space is the same as on other occasions, it means that the hidden mass in the Universe is 25 times higher than the currently detected and calculated mass. If so, the Universe would have more mass than to expand continuously.
Therefore, the expansion of the universe would slow down and one day would remain. Then the stars and galaxies would come together as the globe that is emptying. The whole space would contract, being in the end a small ball infinitely concentrated. As time will contract in the same way, everything would happen very quickly. The stars would come down from the sky and the water of the rivers would rise.
However, the situation shown by the ROSAT satellite may not be throughout the Universe. However, the destiny of the Universe depends on the hidden mass.

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