Ramal Ongarai
2003/01/07 Elhuyar Zientzia

The branch of the image has a bulging, a very special bulge: a bulging in the form of a frog. The branch is a frog of the French Guiana, of the species Phrynohyas resinifictrix.
This species of frog lives in the jungle of the Amazon, and although it is heard with assiduity in the singing, rarely seen. Walk at night and in the trees. The male uses water filled tree holes to spread the song. It is served of holes located about twenty meters high and its singing can be heard at 150 meters.
The frog is not poisonous, but it secretes a viscous substance that irritates human mucous membranes. It uses this substance to protect it from dehydration and to evict predators.
Photo: Pierre-Yves Vaucher

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