
For rocket launches disease

2005/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

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The researchers of Vector, a research center in Russian Virology and Biotechnology, have analyzed the health of the inhabitants of the environment of the Baiconur cosmodrome of Kazakhstan, and have discovered that there are twice as ill as normal, especially with diseases of the blood and the endocrine system.

According to these researchers, the cause of disease is fuel. Launching the rockets does not burn all the fuel and spreads on nearby grounds. These fuels are extremely toxic, such as hydrazine.

This launch area is managed by the Russian space agency, but it is also used by ESA and NASA to launch space ships. These last two agencies claim that they have no responsibility, while the Russians claim that they perform medical examinations to the inhabitants of the area and that they have not seen problems.

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