
Tissues of cartilage. Ingredients: fat cells, steroids,...

2001/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Researchers from the Duke University Health Center have managed to create cartilage tissue from human fat cells. Until now, cartilage cells were extracted from bone marrow samples. But this operation is very painful and also not many cells are obtained. The fat cells, on the contrary, are very abundant and easily removable by common liposuction. To carry out the experiment, various steroids and growth factors were incorporated into the fat cells.

As a result, fat cells became chondrocytes, that is, cartilage cells. In addition, since cells can grow in a three-dimensional leaflet, the fatty tissue obtained can be applied a mold to give it the proper shape. Then it is about placing the tissue in the body. However, scientists believe that they will spend between three and five years before starting to use this method, as many tests have yet to be done. So take care of your cartillas!

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