Serious situation of alligators
1997/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Alligators are disappearing from the lakes and rivers of Brazil. A comprehensive study of these animals explains that hunting, gold mining and industrial development are responsible for the destruction of these reptiles. Many Brazilian caimans additionally have lead in muscle tissue, very hazardous to your health.
Amphibia-Reptilia magazine has published troubling data. The 47 areas where the black cayman lived in Amazonian lands have disappeared in 41. The situation of the common cayman is not serious, since of the 39 zones only four have disappeared. The most worrying region of the Amazon is that of Rondonia (along with Bolivia), where there are numerous difficulties for the survival of these animals.
According to the researchers, the cayman population is not totally lost, but measures will have to be taken, limiting hunting to avoid the destruction of natural habitats and using new technologies to reduce industrial and mining pollution.

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