
Jean-Pierre Serre, first prize Abel

2003/04/16 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Literature wanted to reward the professional career of mathematician Serre. To do this, this year the French mathematician will be awarded the Abel prize they have recently created. With this award, somehow, Norwegian scientists have wanted to balance the absence of Nobel prizes in mathematics.
Jean Pierre Serre.
Abel Prize

Jean Pierre Ser has made his main contributions in three major areas of mathematics. In the field of Input Topology, he has analyzed the transformations between hyperspheres. The hyperspheres are spheres of more than three dimensions, for example, in a space of four dimensions, a hypersphere is the figure corresponding to the expression x 2 +y 2 +z 2 +w 2 =r 2, where r is the radius of the hypersphere.

The theorems developed by Being help to analyze the successive transformations of these bodies (homotomies). What lasts constant in the geometry of a body when lengths change? In short, they are theorems that serve to answer this basic question. Serra's topological work is based on spectral sequences invented by mathematician Jean Leray.

For his work, Ser received the Fields medal at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1954. The Fields medal has so far been Mathematical Novel.

Between numbers

On the other hand, Ser also worked with the theory of numbers, work that used the English Andrew Wiles to demonstrate the last theorem of Fermat. According to Fermat's last theorem, when x n +y n =n, n the variable n is greater than 2, x, and y z, all three at once, cannot be integers.

But that in Serra's work is nothing more than a smallness. As they have written on the website of the Abel Prize, "Serra's contribution is so great that it is difficult to determine how far it reaches". He also analyzed prime numbers, factorization, powers, solutions of polynomial equations, etc.

Finally, Ser also worked on algebraic geometry. This field solves polynomial equations by geometry. In turn, this field analyzes the algebra corresponding to geometry.

The 2003 Abel award, therefore, for the French Jean Pierre Serre, a scientist who has dedicated his life to research many fields of mathematics.

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