
Java rhinos born in Indonesia

2001/10/17 Elhuyar Zientzia

In the last two years four corners of Java have been born on the island of Java (Indonesia). Java rhino (R. sondaicus) is a species in extinction, as it is one of the smallest mammals on Earth. In the protected forest of Ujung Kulon there are about 50 rhinos of Java and 5-8 more of this unique animal of Vietnam. In Gatibu there is no rhino of this type and for many years no rhino of Java has been born.

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) welcomed the news of four newborn corners. The researchers had spent months in the Ujung Kulon National Park following the footprint of these rhinos. It is not easy to see animals. It hides in the background of the jungle and using clandestine photographic cameras have obtained photographs of the newborn rhinos. In the jungle, 10 cameras have been hidden that automatically work through sensors and little by little they have known the growth of the rhino family. In August and September 2000, one of the chambers got a photo of the virgin of the rhino called Cici and in January 2001 caught the rhino breeding called Doly. Yes, they have not yet been seen by anyone and have not yet been able to take them on video.

The birth of Java rhino offspring has awakened the hope that this species will advance. WWF researchers believe that in the Ujung Kulon National Park there is room to live close to 80 protected rhinos of farmers and hunters; they believe that the population of Java rhino can continue to grow.

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