
Death of a dolphin

2005/03/31 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

Yesterday a dead dolphin was found in the bay of Pasaia. Izurde, known for having spent a lot of time in the bays of San Sebastian and Pasaia, for a total of seven years, where the people of the coast were accustomed to see. He was called Pakito in Donostia and Rufino Pasaia. The mular dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) was male. According to the biologists of the Aranzadi and AMBAR societies, the dolphin has been killed by a lung infection, although a necropsis will be made and the results will be collected in two weeks. It will be buried next to the Aranzadi residence so that within two years the clean skeleton can be recovered.