
For the blind to see

2002/10/07 Elhuyar Zientzia

A group of US researchers is developing a visual integration implant so that the blind can see it. Of course, it only works for certain cases of blindness, but for those who have age-related macular degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa it can be a solution. Thanks to the 1,000 nymphs placed in the eye, you can see 1,000 light points.

These diseases damage cells that turn light into an electric impulse, but neural pathways that go to the brain are fine. The intention of scientists is to excite these cells, and it is believed that blind people will be able to perceive light and see it a little.

To achieve this, special glasses have been invented. These glasses have a small camera and a radio frequency transmitter, with which information and energy are transmitted to the chip placed inside the eye, attached to the nerves of the retina that send the signal to the brain.

Research is still underway, but the results hope to be good. More than one would be glad if that were fulfilled!

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