Red Sea Polyps
1995/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Red Sea corals will never suffer cholesterol drop. Their diets are more balanced than expected and as biologists at Munch University have observed, Red Sea corals only feed on phytoplankton. In other words, they are mere herbivores.
For different reasons, the reef structure fails in the inland sea of the Indian Ocean. The association between polyps and algae that form the structure of the reef is not done as in other occasions. According to biologists, in order to live without substances produced by algae, polyps have had to adapt to themselves. As a result of this situation, herbivorous polyps develop in tropical seas where phytoplankton is more abundant than zooplantone. According to Munch researchers, this capacity could justify a rapid growth of these polyps. It is therefore a reproductive system to consider.

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