
Vaccine against Salmonella

2005/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

At the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Navarra, researcher Javier Ochoa Reparaz has presented a vaccine against Salmonella enteritidiss. In Spain, Salmonella enteritidiss is responsible for 85% of cases of gastroenteritis for food and it is estimated that every year one billion new acute salmonellosis are detected in the world.

For the development of the vaccine, Javier Ochoa has encapsulated the membrane components of Salmonella enteritidiss. This vaccine has been very effective in contaminated rats and is currently being used in birds, since farm birds and products derived from them are responsible for most cases of Salmonella enteritidiss contamination in humans. The goal is to improve the efficiency of vaccines presented to date.

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