
Read-made glasses prepared

1991/09/01 Agirre, Jabier - Medikua eta OEEko kidea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Under the name of LogicSpex adySpex a few glasses to read between us.
Presbyopia is a disease that affects four in five people over the age of 40.

Recently, a few glasses to read between us have been marketed under the name of LogicSpex. They do not require ophthalmological prescription or optical adaptation. This type of lens is widely used in the United States and can be purchased in many places (medicines, supermarkets, newspaper kiosks, etc. ). Here they will be responsible for the distribution of these antiquaries.

They are only suitable for presbyopia. Presbyopia is a disease that affects four out of every five people over 40 years of age and prevents accurate viewing of objects closer to the eye.

Now, fast and comfortable, and at very good price, from one model to another, between 1.500-2.500 ptas. medium) the user will be able to choose at one time the most suitable lens for their particular case, among the nine models of power or level existing in the market.

12 tips to care for your eyes

  1. Eye infections should be treated carefully by the ophthalmologist. The infective and scar problems of the cornea deserve special attention and observation.
  2. If a child frequently complains of headaches, refractive defects (astigmatism) or changes in visual adaptation should be taken into account.
  3. Before a chemical burn in the eye, try to immediately clean the injured area.
  4. Follow exactly the advice of the specialist on eye diseases.
  5. The administration of cortisone ointments and colilies should only be prescribed by the doctor, since in the long term they can cause irreparable visual damage.
  6. If the child has strabismus (worsening of the eyes), a specialist ophthalmologist should be consulted to determine whether it is possible to avoid early surgery.
  7. Do not rub or manipulate the eyes badly if a foreign body is inserted inside the eye. With this you will only produce chafing or injury and in no case expel the foreign body.
  8. The near-sighted child must be revised annually, taking into account that the progression of his problem stabilizes with the completion of corporal development.
  9. Tired vision (presbyopia) has a simple solution with adequate glasses.
  10. Some eye problems, such as double vision, require an immediate neurological study.
  11. Avoid, if possible, ionizing radiations on the eye, which in youth is very sensitive.
  12. We recommend a periodic review of the eyes.

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