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Recommendations for the teaching staff
2021/02/14 STEAM-Hezkuntza (Elhuyar Zientzia)

Ed. Pernan Goñi Olalde
What are the recommendations for STEM teaching staff? Here are some.
- First of all, we have to ask ourselves what vision we have of STEM. It is very possible to have many prejudices and apply them unintentionally in our students: Do we treat everyone in the same way?
- Build trust relationships so that students participate with peace of mind and freedom in the dynamics of the classroom.
- Take advantage of the non-school interests of students: we can create ties between many of these hobbies and STEM.
- Grouping children in various ways: changing groups is enriching, among other things because, in addition to building new relationships, they increase the possibilities of adopting different roles.
- Present professional STEM examples: Knowledge of STEM professionals helps to break the prejudices they can have about them. It is advisable to bring professionals with multiple profiles: biologists, engineers, doctors… Documenting around the professional before receiving the visit and preparing a small interview in the groups can increase the positive effect of this experience.
- Analyze news about STEM: At the same time as STEM and today, analyzing the main news messages from a gender and diversity perspective can help promote STEM.
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