Methodological strategies for teachers
2021/12/14 STEAM-Hezkuntza (Elhuyar Zientzia)

The role of the teacher becomes particularly important when students undertake projects. While it is true that students are placed in the place of researchers, we must bear in mind that our students continue to develop the skills of researchers: autonomy, experience, procedures, theoretical knowledge, knowledge of the use of resources…
All this poses a great challenge to manage it in a medium/long-term project and even more so if there is little work experience in projects. Therefore, the teacher has to assume different roles to respond to the needs of the students: driving, giving explanations, creating learning situations, contrasting, inspiring, helping in the organization…
Students can also use different methodological strategies in the learning process. In the brochure you will find recommendations for:
- Group creation.
- Knowledge needed to carry out the projects.
- Documentation.
- [How to work with external experts].
- [Preparation and conduct of interviews].
- [How to consider the ethical aspect in research].
- [How to make the contrast].
- [How to promote reflection]. [Preparation of the project wall for the classroom].
- [How to communicate the work done].
To deepen the contents click here.

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Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia