
Information to drive change

2007/12/01 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

An interesting Internet database has recently been created: CARMA Carbon Monitoring for Action, i.e. "tracking carbon dioxide for action". According to this database, Australian power plants are the most polluting the atmosphere per inhabitant. The Americans follow him.
The CARMA database wants to drive change by making information available to everyone.

Many have been surprised by the data provided by the CARMA, as China and India are often mentioned among the most polluting, but both countries are well behind the CARMA list. In this way, once again, it has been shown that there are many ways to provide data and that it is very important to know what they are based on to obtain direct conclusions.

In this case, the source is an independent American organization. The database has been created by the Center for Global Development CGD, a politically independent research organization. It is about providing carbon dioxide emissions data in the most accurate and clarifying way to cause a change in the way electricity is produced. According to them, good reporting is the first step in addressing change.

Ultimately, through information they want to contribute to combating climate change. For example, in both China and Indonesia, some highly polluting power plants have had to be closed due to pressure from the inhabitants of the area. They believe this is possible on another level. For this reason, on the website carma.org you can consult numerous maps and data in different ways.

Real data

For data collection, 4,000 power companies worldwide and 50,000 power plants have been followed. They have measured the amount of electricity they generate, carbon dioxide emissions and the intensity of emissions, that is, the gas emissions they generate. Carbon dioxide is primarily responsible for the greenhouse effect and therefore one of the factors that contributes most to climate change. Electricity production is the origin of 25% of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

Carbon dioxide is primarily responsible for the greenhouse effect.

From the data provided by other sources, the amount of pollution it produced, that is, the more energy it produced, the more polluting a country would be. However, CARMA looks at each plant and collects real data. Thus, it takes into account the type of plant, the fuel it uses, the energy it generates, the carbon dioxide it emits and the intensity of emissions, that is, the amount of gas it emits with respect to the electricity it produces.

Therefore, CARMA data is very accurate. For example, other organizations do not take into account that hydroelectric and nuclear power plants do not generate carbon dioxide, CARMA does. This does not mean, at all, that these plants do not generate any problems in the environment, but do not affect global warming, which is evident on the CARMA website. The three plants that generate the most electricity in the world are hydroelectric. The first is Itaipu of Brazil, the second Three Cencerros of China and the third Raúl Leoni of Venezuela.

On the other hand, it is clear that coal burning plants are the ones that emit the most carbon dioxide. The emissions champion is in China. The plant, called Taichung Lung-Ching Township Taiwan, emits 42.3 million tons annually to the atmosphere. It is followed by a South Korean headquarters, and third by another from China.

However, China is not the country that emits the most carbon dioxide in total, it is the honor of the United States. According to CARMA, this country's power plants emit 2,790 million tons annually. But China is closely following 2,680 million tons. It is followed by Russia, India, Japan, Germany, South Africa and South Korea. Spain ranks 14th with 148 million tons and France 29th with 45.8 million.

In view of the French example, it is clear that in addition to hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants are valid to escape the top of the list of carbon dioxide emissions. However, it is even more valuable to produce little energy. And for this, the less industrialized they are, the better: in the list of the 50 countries that issue the most, only two of Africa appear, the South African Republic and Egypt. Most countries in Central and South America are not listed either, not even Asians.

Need to change the energy model

Developed countries are currently responsible for 60% of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Currently, developed countries are responsible for 60% of atmospheric carbon dioxide. However, experts expect developing countries to be captured shortly and their most serious consequences will be affected. In fact, carbon dioxide emissions affect vital elements such as drinking water, food production, human health, etc.

The only way to prevent and curb climate change is by changing the energy model. CARMA was born with the aim of contributing to this, convinced that being informed is the first step to promote change. At least, there are users who have visited 150,000 countries in the first two days of its launch. The indentation is in the case of those who will use it.

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