
The game of forces to solve the mysteries of the solar system

2005/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

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It is a great mystery the path that followed our solar system to become the current structure. Some astronomers believe that the resolution of this mystery will take a long time to arrive, and until you see the genesis of stars and planets, you will not know how our solar system really formed.

Thus, researchers from Colorado (USA) have developed a model to explain this formation of the solar system. And it seems that this model explains some of his mysteries. They have developed the model as a game between gravity forces.

One of the mysteries is how the orbits of Saturn and Jupiter are inclined towards the planets closest to the Sun. According to this model, in a nutshell, the garbage that remained in the environment after the formation of the planets made the frequency of rotation of Saturn double that of Jupiter. Accordingly, these two planets were approaching twice a year in Saturn, in the same area of space, and it is the result of the movements caused by this closeness the inclined rotation plane of these planets.