

1999/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In January 1998 he started the Lunar Projector spacecraft. His goal was to find water on the Moon. To do this, the ship entered the orbit of the two poles of the Moon and received a lot of images from both poles.

Its neutron spectrophotometer found hydrogen in the polar craters. According to NASA, the discovery indicated that there could be water on the Moon. The ultimate goal of the mission was to drop the ship to a pre-selected crater to confirm the discovery.

The impact caused the evaporation of icy water and its easy detection from Earth. The container was dropped on July 31, 1999. However, once the data was carefully analyzed, no water remains have been found. This does not mean that there is no water, according to NASA, there are thousands more explanations. Therefore, the mystery is in the past.

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