New technique for the study of visual problems
2002/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Scientists have started using the technique called adaptive optics (OE) to calculate prescription for glasses and lenses. Although so far this technique has been used by astronomers to improve the images of telescopes, from now on scientists would want it to develop as much as possible in clinical uses.
David Williams, director of the Center for Vision Sciences at Rochester University and Austin Roorda, a researcher at Houston University (USA), have tried to combine OE with another technique: OE scanning laser ophthalmoscopes. This new technique allows visualizing and analyzing ten times better than before the internal structure of the eye and, above all, the retina, increasing in three dimensions the resolution of the image.
Many ophthalmologists have started using this technique as a diagnostic tool to improve the recovery of their customers.

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