The oldest quince and crisp seeds of the Iberian peninsula, in Hondarribia
2011/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The research group Arqueobiología del CSIC, Arkeolan, has collected in Hondarribia the oldest seeds of quince and spirit of the Iberian Peninsula.
This research has collected information on fleshy fruits such as cherry, peach, grape, fig, quince and crisp. Some nuts and cereals, as well as seeds of different types of pumpkin, have also been found. In general, the results are representative to know the medieval diet. However, the most striking are the testimonies of the membrillo and the spirit. In fact, until now these species were unknown in the archaeological record of the Iberian Peninsula.
"We have found 6 seeds of quince and 87 seeds of nitrates in numbers 12 and 14 of Panpinot street in Hondarribia and on the Olazabal plot in excavations carried out in 2002 and 2004 respectively," explains Pia Alkain of Arkeolan.
"XIV. and XVI. All these seeds of the twentieth century were in conditions of water and without oxygen or light. These conditions are essential for the maintenance of organic matter. In general, with the passage of time we have found all of them something black but in good condition," added Alkain.

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