
Safety bases for radioactive waste management

1999/11/01 Plazaola, Fernando Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

1.- Protection of individual health: Radioactive waste must be managed by ensuring the protection of individual health at acceptable levels.

2.- Environmental protection: Radioactive waste must be managed by ensuring environmental protection at acceptable levels.

3.- Protection outside national borders: Radioactive waste should be managed taking into account the health effects of individuals and the environment outside national borders.

4.- The support of the following generations: Radioactive waste management should take into account that the health effects previously recognized in future generations should not exceed those currently accepted.

5.- Charges in the following generations: Radioactive waste management should take into account that in future generations it should not generate unacceptable loads.

6.- National legal organization: Radioactive waste management must be carried out within an appropriate national legal organization. The Act must adequately place responsibilities and adopt control provisions by independent bodies.

7.- Control of generation of radioactive waste: Radioactive waste should be kept at a practical minimum.

8.- Dependence on the generation and management of radioactive waste: All steps between radioactive waste generation and management should be properly considered.

9.- Warehouse security: The safety of radioactive waste facilities will be ensured throughout the working time of the waste.

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