
CD-ROM of letters and numbers

2005/10/01 Lopez Viña, Rakel - Marketin sailaElhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The Elhuyar Foundation has brought to the HITZMIX CD-ROM games known to most audiences. There are five games to speak with letters and figures: Sauce of letters, Salsa of figures, Hitz-pasa, Bortz and Crosswords. Designed for players of all ages, participants can play alone or with friends.

In the game of the letters salsa, the player, with his letters, must try to complete the longest possible word. In the game of the figure salsa the result will be given to the player, who must perform mathematical operations with six numbers to get that result or what is closest to him.

In the word game, you will start with the first letter of the alphabet and, one by one, you will give the player a definition of each letter to guess what word it is. In the game Bortz it is a question of finding a hidden word of five letters, in which as you go writing the words will be indicating the letters that have been invented of the word proposed, being the champion who with fewer attempts invents the hidden word. Finally, we have the words crossed: the goal is to complete the maximum of words with the letters that the player has and with which they are on the table.

With this CD-ROM there will be no chance of getting bored, neither the younger nor the younger. It is ideal to work letters and numbers and to play alone or with friends.

Book consults general pathology on the street

In addition to the HITZMIX CD-ROM, the Elhuyar Foundation has published the book of consultation General Pathology, written by Dr. Edurne Ugarte. This work was awarded in 2001 with the Agote Prize awarded by the Institute for Euskaldunización de la Salud.

In this book, the author addresses the general part of the pathology, the respiratory apparatus and the circulatory apparatus, and is an accessible consultation book for students, teachers and physicians of any level. With the knowledge presented in this book, students should be able to initiate diagnoses of the syndrome. Understandably, but without losing sight of the scientific rigor, we discuss topics that bring us closer to the world of pathology and the clinic.

Edurne Ugarte Nu studied endocrinology and nutrition at the Cruces Hospital and has been working as a doctor since 1997 at the Leioa health centre. He is also an associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of the Basque Country since 1996.