
The rule is related to metastasis

2004/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The menstrual cycle affects cancer more than expected. Canadian researchers have tested mice and found that, depending on their menstrual phase, the risk of cancer spread varies considerably. When progesterone is high, mice have easily developed cancer, much easier than when estrogen level is high.

The news has generated a great debate. According to this, should tumor removal operations be performed according to the menstrual phase of the woman? The controversy on this issue already existed. Some researchers found that removing the tumor in women during a certain period increased the risk of developing a second tumor. However, the results of other researchers did not indicate this and opposed taking action on operations.

The two groups have indicated that before deciding anything more tests will have to be done, since at the moment they have not found a clear explanation for the results. Hormones suspect they can stimulate the growth of blood vessels and say it needs to be analyzed. If so, we would have to look for molecules that devirate the effect of these hormones in order to use them when a tumor removal operation is performed in women.

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