More than one Higgs boson
2010/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Currently, the main objective of particle physics is to detect the Higgs boson. The theory of the standard model says it has to exist, but in practice no one has seen it. Now, some physicists working in the American laboratory Fermilab claim that the Higgs boson is not a particle, but five.
The proposal is a consequence of the results of the DZero experiment. In the Tevatron accelerator, they cause shocks between matter and anti-mating (protons and antiprotons) that produce matter and anti-mating, but not in the same proportion. More material is generated than anti-mating. This is because in the shock the load and parity are not preserved. This effect, the violation of CP, is known to physicists for a long time, but the most important thing is what they have seen in the DZero experiment.
In fact, the Higgs boson detection experiment had to see a small CP violation, but not as large as they have seen in Tevatron. The standard model -- Theories announcing a single Higgs boson -- does not explain this great CP default. We must change the standard model, but as the researcher of the experiment DZero Adam Martin told the BBC, "The standard model adapts well to all the tests we have done".
According to Martin, the variant that least modifies the standard model is to recognize that the Higgs boson is not the only particle. There may be five Higgs boson, one with positive load, one with negative load and three neutral quintones.
Physicists still do not know if there is the Higgs boson. But they know that according to the DZero experiment they have to look for five particles instead of one.

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