AIDS, bad
1986/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
AIDS is a disease of our time and that is why in this magazine of Elhuyar Zientzia eta Teknika we make an extensive mention in the following pages. However, the subsequent news is of intrinsic importance. We know. A man, heterosexual properly said, hemophilic, regularly takes as a treatment of his hemophilia a concentration of blood proteins.
The AIDS virus develops the state of jota pre-AIDS. His wife also develops the pre-AIDS situation several years later. So, they have a child. The child, in the months of his birth, suffers lung problems, infections and blood signs of AIDS, although he has no trace of the AIDS virus. By way of control, the son who took place in a marriage before his wife has no trace of illness.
All this may indicate that the man was introduced to the disease through blood transfusions, that he transmitted it to his wife by sexual means and that it transmitted it to his newborn son in management or in lactation.
All these possibilities of contamination were known. However, this example shows significantly the pathways transmitted by the disease and its effectiveness.

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