Tropical hibernation
2004/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Zoologists were clear that the bulk of lemure seemed to be in a "slow" state for about seven months. And analyzing the temperature of the animal, zoologists have confirmed that it hybrids.

It is surprising that there are no other tropical mammals that hibernate, that scientists know. Normally, animals living in the tropics do not need this type of strategy, since their goal is to combat the winter cold. In this case, hibernation would help fight the driest seasons, since in those months it is more difficult to find food.
The lemur hibernates in the trees, in the holes of the trunks well closed. There easily controls body temperature. However, hibernating in the tropics and in cold winter areas is not exactly the same. Lemurea has to 'wake up' from time to time to heat the body temperature up to about thirty degrees.

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