Fleeing death
2002/01/15 Elhuyar Zientzia

In 1990, the Dutch biotechnology company Pharming founded the first genetically modified bull, called Herman. The researchers intended that Herman's offspring were able to produce in their milk an antimicrobial protein called laktoferrine. However, the experiment was suspended in the 1990s. Then, according to the law created in Holland to regulate transgenic species, Herman and his descendants were forced to die. Hermane, however, enjoyed great popularity thanks to the media and the government forgave him the penalty.
However, last week the company Pharming announced its intention to kill Herman, since keeping alive is expensive and poses a risk of transmission of transgenic beings. But people oppose killing the bull and start raising funds to keep it alive. In addition, the funeral home insurance company is the most helpful. It seems that, when the time comes to die, they plan to make a beautiful funeral and charge the entrance to whoever wants to see it. At least, Hermane can take care of herself until that time comes.

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