
Mars is here!

2001/06/18 Elhuyar Zientzia

June 21 is the lowest distance between Earth and Mars since 1988. The distance was then 59 million kilometers, and although this time is somewhat greater, there will only be 67.3 million kilometers between them.

Right now, and by order of its orbit, the Earth is approaching Mars at a speed of 35,420 kilometers per hour. Therefore, except when it is very close to the Moon, the brightest star of the night is Mars. It is therefore a good time for your observation. Being a planet, it does not flash and its reddish color easily separates it from other stars. At the end of summer it begins to lose brightness, as it starts to move away, but it is the brightest star until October. With the help of small telescopes you can see different structures of Mars such as clouds, poles or some superficial details.

In the coming years you will see even better: On August 27, 2003, there will be 55.7 million kilometers between Earth and Mars. According to astronomers, it is the time when they will be closer to 5,000 years.

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