Aircraft without wings
1994/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
This peculiar plane, called Kerstel, built in Great Britain, has the chassis of the ultraarin, but also a parachute that instead of wings operates under aerodynamic pressure. The empty device weighs only 90 kilos and the takeoff force is awarded by a 50 horse petrol engine.

The plane can transport two people and is easy to drive. You can learn how to handle this device in four hours. It can be used for everything: rest, agriculture, cartography, etc.
The plane is very safe because if the engine fails it will slow down with the parachute. To take off, the parachute is placed behind and inflated with the wind that sends the propeller. When it is well inflated, it is carried to the top of the apparatus and the engine speeds up the movement of the plane. On a journey of about fifty meters it is easy to climb up the air.
In flight it has three controls: a foot accelerator and two cables for parachute handling. There is only one altimeter on the plane and the only way to go up or down is to operate the accelerator. Its average speed is 56 km/h, but it can reach a maximum speed of 72 km/h.

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