
International Bird Day

2001/05/09 Elhuyar Zientzia

One day of the year is worth paying attention to birds. In fact, thousands of bird species beautify the sky and offer spectacular views thanks to their flights. By the way, this day can serve to know the strange behavior of some birds.

Reproduction among species is very rare, as the descendants are sterile. Perhaps the best known example is the mango, born of crossing the mare and the eagle, normally sterile, and the other with many species.

However, the results of loving games between two species of fly birds are beneficial. The females of hanging mosquito birds that come together with the birds of black flies that are nearby epecies have a great setting. In addition, most of these descendants are males and, unlike females, are productive.

But it is not the only advantage: its admissibility also allows female flies with collar more possibilities of fertilization, since the breeding season of black fly birds is later than that of their males.

The case of fly birds has shown that nature does not always punish hybridization.

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