
Dirty birds

2001/06/20 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

The birds are very pure and have their feathers very clean. An exception is the white partridge of rocks. In fact, this arctic bird intentionally fouls its plumage. However, although some find it to be wrong behavior, researchers have seen that it has reason to do so.

The white partridge of the rocks presents in winter a white plumage, which in the snow is almost invisible to the enemies. In summer, instead, to hide between lichens and stones of the tundra or on the ground, presents a marbled brown plumage. Just melt the snow, the female changes its plumage from white to brown. But the male follows several weeks with white plumage, making it an easy prey for enemies. According to the researchers, in this way the male teaches the female and the male rival the ability to face the risks.

When Robert Montgomerie and his team at Queens University in Kingston (Canada) analyzed the behavior of the white partridge rocks, they saw in 1981 that males cover their white plumage with mud. After an exhaustive study that has lasted 17 years, females have discovered that eggs are lost when they are laid. In addition, when the female loses the nest, the male cleans the feathers and begins to look for another female.

This work published in the journal Behavioral Ecology shows that sexual choice can delay the dumb and influence behavior.

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