
The sex of the child can be seen in a pregnancy of less than three weeks

2002/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The hormones of the initial phase of pregnancy are influenced by the fact that the baby who will then be born is girl or boy. Now this difference can also be seen in the 16-day pregnancy.

Israeli scientists have shown that the number of HCG hormones, which indicates whether you are pregnant or not, is 50% higher if the fetus is a child.

The function of HCG at the beginning of pregnancy is to maintain the role of the body by luteum until the placenta assumes this function. The corpus luteum is a temporary structure that secretes estrogens and progesterone hormones.

The research was conducted among the 347 pregnant women, between 14 and 20 days of pregnancy. After three weeks they saw that the level of HCG of the women who had the girl was 18.5% higher than that of the boy.

However, this forecast is not enough to safely characterize the sex of the child, and other early differences related to genes are now being attempted.

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