
Looking for beautiful bodies

2010/08/28 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

How is the perfect body of the woman? Like the girls that appear in fashion magazines? Or perhaps like those appearing in erotic and pornographic magazines or films? And what size does the most beautiful body of man have? The most attractive is that of the fashion actor or the champion among bodybuilders?

Researchers at the Australian university UNSW do not believe that the models that appear in the media and that are socially exalted are, in fact, the most attractive to people. Therefore, to know the most beautiful body in the opinion of the people, a research on the Internet has been launched.

It is being investigated through the Internet to know the proportions of the most attractive body of women and men. In the image, image of Leonardo da Vinci.

The project, called Bodylab, began in March. It is an open project, anonymous and open to the participation of anyone. Its duration is between 5 and 10 minutes, time in which the participant must put in value the models that appear on screen, from -3 to +3, very attractive to very attractive.

The models, made by computer, show the image of a body in front and by side. Behind, as a reference, appears the figure of Volswagen's Beethoven, a well-known icon that helps to see better measurements and proportions.

Before starting to choose the models, the participant must provide some data on whether he wants to evaluate the bodies of men or women, age, gender and sexual orientation (among which are heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, bisexual, etc. ), nationality (the Basque is not among the options) and level of studies.

Then yes, the models are explained, and the truth is that many are quite similar. That is why they recommend to give a value from the first opinion and not compare it with the models previously exposed. In addition, as research advances, body models are becoming more and more similar, since every month they are renewed, and the "parents" of the next generation are the most attractive models of the previous month. That is, models evolve.

In fact, although the main objective is to know the most attractive bodily proportions between man and woman, the study also has a second objective: to show the general public the strength of natural selection and the importance of evolutionary biology.

There have already participated 40,000 people, mostly Australians, and now the children of their chosen models are available. Specifically, the fourth generation of women and the second generation of men are already underway, since the project began with the female bodies and then with the male ones.

The aim of the researchers is to reach six or more generations to determine to the maximum what proportion of attractive bodies, both female and male. However, researchers point out that they are open to new models that can come.

Instead of body, the face

In addition to the bodylab, there are other research on the Internet that aims to measure attractiveness. For example, the University of Animals of Scotland has Face Research underway. Led by experimental psychologists, his intention is not only to value attractiveness but also to know how the faces and voices of others affect us.

Face Research uses real photographs and can include a photo of yourself so that others can review. That yes, they transform the face through a computer program, and they do the same with the voice. They have already published some conclusions about aspects such as symmetry or attractiveness, the comparison of emotions, virility, the perception of sadness... and intend to continue studying other aspects. If you want to participate, here you have the opportunity.

Published in Gara

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