
1 Gore-Tex plate to cure headache

2009/11/22 Kortabitarte Egiguren, Irati - Elhuyar Zientzia

Who has not had headache ever? Surely all of us have ever had headache, and if we have not gone out of ourselves, we have removed it with an analgesic. Can you imagine, however, that for a year and a half, this headache cannot be removed? Being hurt day and night or having to be taking medications constantly to relieve pain? This is what happened to a woman from Bilbao.
They say that not all headaches are the same. There is no lack of reason.
From file

For a year and a half it has suffered great headaches. However, a few months ago, through an operation, doctors at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra have managed to eliminate the pain. In addition to the head, the woman had pain inside the mouth, in the pharynx, and in the ear. The patient did a lot of tests in the health centers there and from here, trying to find out what caused the pain. When the Bilbao patient arrived at the University Clinic of Navarra, they already knew what caused the disease, since it was checked in another medical center. However, in Iruñea he was confirmed the diagnosis by magnetic resonance before starting anything. In fact, the case is a very sporadic pathology, so few specialists know how to treat it surgically.

This was the day of the intervention.
Clínica Universidad de Navarra

However, before entering the explanations of the intervention, let us clarify what caused chronic pain to the patient. A nerve located at the back of the head caused a huge compression. This compression caused great pain to the patient. What's more, those enormous pains became when speaking, swallowing, or touching. This cerebral nerve was crushed by an artery that with age changed its shape or appearance. In fact, the processes of arteriosclerosis that have arteries with age can cause changes of form. According to doctors, arteriosclerosis allows to lengthen the tubes that actually formed a spiral and begin to compress some of the nerves that have next to it, a nerve that before did not touch. That same happened to the Bilbaine woman in the back of her head. In general, these symptoms appear in people over 50 years of age. Achaques of age? However, it caused more headaches than desired.

A less headache

A small Gore-Tex latex was placed on his head.
Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Through the intervention, the artery that used to compress the nerve and nerve was carefully distributed and separated. Once separated, even if it seems strange, a small Gore-Tex latex was placed to prevent it from retouching. In fact, it was very important to keep both well separated definitely. In short, the placement of the Gore-Tex sheet was an additional safety measure. A safe way to keep the artery that compressed the nerve and nerve apart. This procedure can be used for any nerve compressed by arteries and veins.

The intervention lasted almost four hours and the postoperative period was correct. During the first 24 hours the patient remained in the Intensive Care Unit. Since no complications occurred, he was admitted to the plant and remained there for six days. The pain disappeared completely after the intervention, so it was possible to gradually remove all the prescribed analgesic medication. Calm yourself with the headache the woman has had for a year and a half!

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