Precoces and kangaroos, different
2009/11/15 Korta Hernandez, Nerea - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Scientists from the University of Alberta (Canada) conducted an experiment for the study of early people and diseases. After conducting a survey, neuroscientists selected 18 participants. Nine early risers and nine gaiteros. The early risers began their day at five in the morning, remaining awake until three in the morning.
Two aspects were taken into account in the experiments: on the one hand, brain activity and, on the other, the strength that participants could exercise in the maximum contractions of the muscles. The researchers, using current, stimulated the brain skin and spinal cord of the participants, both related to the control of the body movement, and were fixed in the muscular response.

The spinal cord and brain activity reach their maximum during the night. That is why they achieve maximum performance at night (Photo: Zoulhou ) .
Differences in brain activity
The measurements were made at different hours of the day, at nine o'clock in the morning, at one o'clock at noon, at five o'clock in the afternoon and at nine o'clock in the evening, and it was observed that the precoces and the diseases had different responses in the brain activity, according to the time. The stimuli made on the spinal cord were increasing throughout the day, but in the preterm the brain cells were fitted in the morning and in the diseases at night.
Thus, the brain activity of the early people reached in the morning its highest level and was decreasing throughout the day. With Gautxori, however, it occurred the other way around: as the day progressed, they were strengthened and the highest level of activity took place at nine o'clock in the evening.
They also realized that the excitability of the spinal cord increased throughout the day in both groups. From this it was deduced that the maximum brain activity of the premature people was produced throughout the morning and that when reaching the maximum excitability of the spinal cord throughout the night, they never reached their maximum effectiveness, since the brain activity does not coincide with the spinal cord. However, in the Gautxorias, the spinal cord and brain activity reach their maximum at night, they go the same way. That is why they achieve maximum performance at night.

Kangaroos are strengthening throughout the day (Photo: Michael Lorenzo ) .
As for the test that measured the maximum muscle strength, the vigilantes obtained better results than the precoces. In fact, as the day progressed, the kangaroos were strengthened physically. The preterm had the same strength in the maximum muscle contractions performed during the day.
So far no one had proven that the brains of preterm and serene ones worked differently. And they still do not know to have some kind of “chronotype”, that is, to be gautxoria or early person, if it is genetic or comes from customs. But the results of the research have found a use. Scientists believe that knowing these differences would allow a better organization of activities to take advantage of the moment of maximum activity of each person.
From now on, you will not be able to ask a preterm to be alert at night or to a lunch to work full in the morning. Their brains work like this.
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