
Man's departure from Africa

2007/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Man's departure from Africa
01/03/2007 | Elhuyar
(Photo: L. Betti-Nash)

It is clear that modern man developed in Africa, but when did he get out of there? Some believe it happened a long time ago, a hundred thousand years ago, and others not so long ago, fifty thousand years ago. It will be difficult to know exactly the time, but research shows that it was not very old.

Research instructions have dated a skull discovered in Hofmeyr, South Africa. The dating was not done directly in the bone, but indirectly, dating the material inside the skull. 36,000 years ago this material was attached to the skull, so the skull belongs approximately to this time.

On the other hand, when the man left Africa (some groups left and others stayed there), the African man would be morphologically very similar to that of outside Africa. They have also focused on Hofmeyr's skull morphology, very similar to the skull of humans who lived in Europe and Asia at the same time.

Other Neanderthal-Sapiens hybrid

The time when man left Africa is not the only debate. Anthropologists do not agree to decide whether modern man crossed with Neanderthal.

Well, a favorable opinion group has announced that they have found another proof of the crossing. This study also studied skulls. A skull found in a cave in Romania (about forty thousand years ago) has been compared to that of the present man, and the skull is basically a modern man, but it has a number of characteristics that could belong to the man of Neanderthal.

News in brief

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