
Geomitology: attentive to old accounts

2006/01/01 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

What do myths have to do with reality? It has always been said that the myth has a true success in the origin, but is there knowledge of this fact from the myth? Several scientists are in themselves and use myths to know ancient natural disasters.
In Hawaii, volcanic eruptions have joined the anger of the goddess Pele.

Several geologists have begun to examine the myths carefully, since, from myths, it is believed that an earthquake, a volcanic eruption or an original tsunami can be found. This section of geology is known as geomitology.

Hawaii: paradise of myths and volcanoes

The myths of the Pacific islands are especially useful, as they associate each story to a real generation. In Hawaii, for example, there are 95 real generations that allow us to know when a certain myth is associated with the event. In Hawaiian mythology, for example, Pele is the goddess of fire and the volcano. They say Pel suffered several outrages with other gods, such as his sister, Na's pairing with the goddess of water and the sea. Well, analyzing the times of these myths, they have seen that those angry ones coincide with volcanic eruptions. In fact, there are only a few decades of difference between the dating of volcanic eruptions through 14 carbon and the dating of myth according to actual generations.

Under the sanctuary is the footprint of Mikel Goiángel, a fault.

They have also explained other facts. They say that at the time of King Kakuhihewa, a surprising event interrupted at dawn a human sacrifice: a giant owl passed in front of the Sun. An archaeologist came up with comparing the myth data with a NASA board. This table shows the astronomical events of the past. He discovered that in Hawaii there was a solar eclipse during the Kakuhihew. Specifically, that solar eclipse occurred at dawn on April 10, 1679.

The truth is that geologists around the world have begun to analyze myths. In Italy, for example, a geologist named Piccardi analyses the appearance of Mikel Archangel. On Mount Sant’Angelo it is said that there was a terrible earthquake: the archangel appeared and left his mark on the stone.

In the sanctuary of Mikel Arcángel a deposit was opened that gave an explanation to the myth: archaeological excavations have caused a section of faults to emerge. In view of this, the Italian Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology has classified the area as a place of high risk of earthquakes. Therefore, in this case, analyzing the myth helps to see a possible risk.

Difficult decision making difficult decision

Geomitologists have begun to analyze the myths of indigenous peoples around the world, but it is not easy to relate myth to historical fact.
B. B. J. LeBrun

The myths serve, therefore, to discover geological facts of the past. But not all myths, of course. And it is that many myths are too confusing to find an explanation, so they are not useful from a scientific point of view. Myths are believed to evolve as they are transmitted from one generation to another. Thus, for us to receive them, or leave them written, myths have been far removed from the original facts. In addition, on many occasions, a myth is composed of several events that occurred in different times and places. To ignore them would be to waste time.

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