More sometimes less
2000/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Endogamy is one of the problems posed by the extinction of many animals found in nature. As the genetic diversity of a given population decreases, sensitivity to diseases and the likelihood of non-healthy or malformed specimens emerging.
To measure genetic diversity, the "diversity index of nucleetotides" is used, which measures the average genetic differences between each of the specimens of a given population and the group. One of the most used solutions is the incorporation of "new blood", that is, the repopulation of new specimens outside the population. But, contrary to what was previously thought, these measures are not always beneficial.
In some cases, and depending on the situation, the diversity of nucleotides can be reduced with the incorporation of new specimens; when in a forest full of large trees few small trees are introduced in the same way that decreases the average size of the trees.

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