Today the program of the 2022 Women in Science has been presented
2022/01/26 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The Women in Science programme will be held from 11 to 18 February. Various activities have been proposed, both face-to-face and online, to bring the message "science is the thing of girls" closer to as many people as possible and to underline the importance of achieving equal access and professional development in the field of science and technology.
In 2016, the United Nations General Assembly decided to designate 11 February as International Day of Women and Girls in Science. And to celebrate this day, 17 entities, including Elhuyar Zientzia, have joined this initiative worldwide and will present a comprehensive programme of activities aimed at all audiences.
Here you can read the full program.
Those provided by Elhuyar are:
-Shop window initiative. For the first time in San Sebastian 12 shops will participate.
-Eureka! In collaboration with the Science Museum, an exhibition has been organized from 11 February to 13 March. The sessions will take place from the stories of 12 scientific women prepared by Elhuyar. Eureka! They will be exhibited at the entrance to the Science Museum.
-Eureka! Workshops for families have also been organized in collaboration with the Science Museum. They will also be made from stories written by Elhuyar about 12 women scientists.
-Training in STEAM education -session for ESO and Bachillerato teachers. They are sessions organized in collaboration with the Technology Park.
-Elhuyar will interview Itziar Garate in the Ernest Lluch cycle on February 17.
The aim of the day is to make the work of women visible in science, break with the conviction that technical practices are a matter for men and promote girls to choose scientific studies.
In addition, Elhuyar's media will have a specific programme this week. For example, Teknopolis has organized a special session and Elhuyar magazine will publish the Ekin section.

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