
Gas bubbles to detect small movements

2008/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Gas bubbles to detect small movements
01/07/2008 | Elhuyar
(Photo: G. Roa)

Two researchers from Rice University of the United States and Los Alamos National Laboratory have proposed a system to measure tiny forces and movements in a system made up of two gas bubbles embedded together, which could measure an acceleration of 10-10 m/s2.

The aforementioned bubbles are two aggregation states called Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) that are obtained by applying certain materials at very low temperatures. In the case that concerns us, it is proposed to place two gases in this state of aggregation, one inside the other, holding the bubble inside by two laser beams (otherwise it would tend to come out of the bubble around it, like a bubble found in a mass of water). They say that monitoring laser beams could detect even the slightest movement of the small bubble.

However, they have not yet tested the proposal made, so it remains to be seen the expected result of this design.

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