
Serious effects of toxic gas

1997/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In the Indian village of Bopal twelve years ago, a chemical factory aims to investigate the damage caused to newborns by the mass.

In the Indian village of Bopal, twelve years ago, a chemical factory caused a serious mash. 40 tons of methyl socianate gas were emitted and in the coming days two thousand people died. Today, 50,000 people who survived have health problems due to gas. And a group of researchers recognizes that the medical care received by the local population during these years has not been the most appropriate.

According to the recent work published by the International Medical Commission, the drugs that have been given to those affected have not contributed at all. The commission considers unacceptable medical practices. The most worrying situation is that of those with respiratory diseases, especially affected by the lung.

However, the knowledge of the effects of gas and its possible effects is not simple. The commission has begun to talk about neurological effects and other diseases. In view of this situation, an exhaustive research on the health status of newborns is intended.

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