
Gas Leak Detector

2003/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The new microsensors being developed by the CEIT Technology Center will now allow detecting gas leaks in homes. The techniques of generating tin oxide microsensors for the detection of gas leaks in homes have been analyzed.


To prevent gas leaks and prevent the generation of carbon monoxide it is essential to have adequate facilities and good maintenance of gas appliances, according to current regulations. However, the systems developed by CEIT researchers with the aim of improving safety, serve to reduce the risks of explosions that can cause methane leaks (the main component of natural gas) and poisons derived from the inhalation of carbon monoxide (gas without color or smell).

Scientists have incorporated the gas microsensor that is designing a heater so that the tin oxide layer reaches 300ºC (carbon monoxide can be detected from that temperature).

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