
Sick and sleeping? Must

2007/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Sick and sleeping? Must
01/11/2007 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Archive)

Getting enough sleep is essential for a strong immune system. In addition, patients have sleep and doctors have often found that sleeping helps overcome infections. In addition to the patient, it is also beneficial for the population to stay in bed, thus avoiding contamination of the disease.

Researchers have identified the protein that causes drowsiness during the disease. tnf-alpha (tumour necrosis factor alpha), known for its antitumor use and its relationship with inflammation. For example, cancer patients treated with tnf-alpha have drowsiness as side effects.

Medications that block tnf-alpha protein are sometimes given to prevent apnea patients from sleeping by day and from overcoming fatigue from other chronic diseases. Now they know that protein influences the immune system and, apparently, the circadian rhythm. Therefore, before continuing the administration of this type of medication, researchers believe that more research will be needed.

10 months
Anatomy/Physiology; Medicine
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