
Destroyed tests

1998/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The remains of explosives that may exist in a rugged plane may disappear in the sea waters in a short space of time, eliminating the evidence that could help explain the causes of the accident.

To this conclusion comes the chemist Frank Fox. This study is due to the accident that occurred in July 1996 on the Atlantic coast of the United States. A terrible accident in which 229 passengers of the Boeing 747 died, which mysteriously exploded in the middle of the sea.

Some sections stayed on the water and others recovered months later.

Detailed studies to explain the causes of the accident detected traces of explosives, so the researchers asked Mr. Fox on the survival of these explosives in marine waters.

The study has drawn surprising conclusions, as the remains of explosives deposited on the aluminium foil in marine waters disappear rapidly. The explanation is not simple, but for example, explosives can dissolve in water or decompose by microbes and light. However, researchers carrying out the case have not overlooked the chemist and accuse the chemical of sparks generated in the fuel tank of the accident after the explosion.

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